May 10, 2008

Refuel my A$$

Refueling America?!?
I stated a while back that I was going to cut out any talk of high oil prices but in the past couple of weeks some totally dumb proposals to curb high oil and gas prices have caused me to be flabbergasted. The first is the proposed "Gas Tax Holiday" that Clinton and McCain are proposing.

This tax holiday is a bad idea and just political rhetoric to get them elected. I know that they could hypothetically persuade the congress to pass a bill to suspend the gas tax, but by the time they are President, the 'holiday' would have passed. Whats more is that it would save the average consumer the likes of $25-$30 (US) amounting to about 3/4 or the standard gas tank. There is also no guarantee that the producers of gasoline would not rise their prices to recoup some of the billions in taxes that would else wise go to the government. This would result in the increased consumption which would pinch supplies and result in higher oil and gas prices. Great plan! Lets work on efficiency first, then better alternative means of transportation and maybe we can make a dent in the petrol grip that has this nation by the throat.

The second idiotic thing I have read/seen just recently happened. Chrysler is offering their Refuel America plan which includes a set price of $2.99/gallon (US) for three years. It is essentially subsidizing the cost of fuel for Chrysler's fleet which just LOVES to suck gas. This is on par with those countries that subsidize the cost of gas for its citizens...maybe we can add Chrysler to the Axis of that axis loves to subsidize fuel.

Giving Americans is not the way to ween us off of the oil addiction. It only prolongs it till we hang ourself with the oil noose. We have to first feel the pain and then realize how wrong we really were with depending on oil for so long. You can not run a marathon without going through some pain, neither will weening us off of oil is going to hurt for awhile as well. So please, do not buy a Chrysler car, its a dumb idea that sounds good, but really will prolong the pain. Hope you had a good weekend!

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