May 8, 2008

Predict a Mile...or four

Got back into "The Rouge" today after the trip to DC. I got a couple of runs in while I was up there and it was awesome. It was nice and cool in the morning with no humidity and a crispness to the air that I had not felt in awhile. Today, the running club was doing a "predict your time" run where the person who predicts their actual time the best gets a prize...running shorts I believe.

The course was 4 miles and it was hot and humid so I decided that just slightly faster than 7 minutes per mile would be sufficient to let me run well. As usual I ran to fast and was totally off of my pace and finished in 26:29, where I had predicted 27:57. Yes, totally off, and I even ran I missed the turn around mark...whoops. I was not the worst predictors of pace, but pretty close. It did feel good to be out and about after the plane ride, but geeze it was hot and humid. Summer and sweat are here...and I'm ready to leave "The Rouge" more than ever!

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