The 3rd Saturday of every month in the Rouge is recycling day. It's designed for those who live in apartments or the weekly recycling pick up does not come. Well lets say that it has been more than a month since I was able to get to the recycling pick up. It made me realize just how much one person can generate in a given year. Just in the couple of months that I had accumulated my recyclables I had amassed a stack of twenty four 1/2 gallon jugs of either milk or juice. I wish there were stores in which you could just buy bulk. Not like Sam's Club or Costco but one where you can take an empty glass jar and get fresh salsa, or a jug to get milk instead of getting rid of the container. Other countries reuse glass beverage bottles, you just pay a deposit on the bottle and every time you return the used bottles you only pay for the beverage in the bottle. If you cash the bottles in you get back your deposit. Some states do have bottle deposits, but the bottles are not reused, instead they are ground up. Some get formed back into bottles, but it just seems like a useless waste of energy when you could have simply washed and sanitized the bottles. Oh "convenience," gotta love it sometimes. Are we really that busy in the US???
One other note on the recycling stop I did today. Besides burning the gas to deposit my recyclables (which is wasteful) the trucks that they bring to the site to collect the goods idle the entire time they are there. What a waste and such an almost hypocritical stance. Oh and the recycling program is co-sponsored by Exxon....hum. But to give them credit, the Rouge is trying harder each year to reduce its footprint. The recycling website keeps updating so there is hope!
Finally, I will confess that I am a total junkie for a new TV show that I thought I would never like. Yes, I am an addict of..........."TERMINATOR: The Sara Conner Chronicles." Its on Fox every Monday night at 8pm CST and I found the first two back episodes this weekend. I was perusing the new Itunes and stumbled into the TV shows they had for sale. The pilot was free, downloaded it and watched. It was good (in my opinion) and found the next episode on Fox's website. They post the latest episode about a day or so after the show airs. You know what I will be doing on Wednesday evenings from now on! Haha
Weekend Update
2 years ago