February 6, 2008

Plastic Pinnacle

I have been sick the past couple of days and I felt I was going to kick it going to sleep last night. Boy was I wrong! So after a 101 temp and a day of wasting away in bed I decided I must get something done, or my readership would drop off. Luckily I had started a small bit on a couple of things so this is more of a cut and paste than a full fledge writing. So onward we go...

"The Rouge" Update:

This weekend EBR Parish goes to the poll for the presidential primaries and to vote on a measure approving the new casino. Pinnacle Entertainment has been running a counter ad campaign against the two "Boats" that have casino licenses here in the city. I don't have cable, only what I can pick on my "ears" and it is a never ending cycle of ads. Pinnacle sucks....Pinnacle is a savior....Pinnacle sucks....Pinnacle is a savior. Make it STOP! So please EBR Parish get out and VOTE!

U.S. Tornado's
There was some rough weather the other night throughout much of the United States; snow in the north to strong thunderstorms across the south. Unfortunately a large outbreak of tornados roared through the night causing major fatalities throughout several states. I believe it was the largest number of fatalities from a single tornado outbreak in about 20-25 years. My hopes and prayers go out to those affected by this. . Get with it FEMA!

Irish Plastic
The Irish have imposed a 33 cent tax PER BAG on all plastic supermarket bags which has led to reduced consumption of these bags by greater than90%. This is awesome! They have a proactive environmental minister who had the balls to stand up to the plastic and grocer industries and say no. There have been similar laws passed in many countries and in a few states here in the US with many more countries watching this issue very closely. I'm all for reusable bags and getting rid of the plastic and paper sacks that are essentially another form of packaging, in addition to the over packaging of our products already.
I came across this article awhile back and have been thinking about it more and more after I stumbled upon another plastic reduction blog. I have a link to Fake Plastic Fish but one of her links led me to another individual who is trying to live plastic free. At Living Plastic Free her last entry was a tip about how starting small can have a big impact. In particular she was talking about the "hallowed" plastic grocery sack and the produce sacks that are synonymous with the produce section of the supermarkets. So I got to thinking...

So how did the Living Plastic Free and the article on banning of plastic bags get me thinking? Well I was at my local supermarket and was getting my sacks out (reusing all of my old plastic sacks until all of the handles break) and saw the ubiquitous southern men’s hairstyle...THE MULLET! In a moment of Mulletness I realized that the hardest part about selling anything green, in this case reusable bags, is to make it chic, cool, ___________ (insert term here) for even the most uneducated, gun tooting, southern redneck. It is at this point that I hit a wall. How do we get men, who are not "metro-enviro" to tote around reusable bags?

Do we need NASCAR, NRA, or Cabela's to jump onto the idea? Maybe a tote bag designed to look and handle like various "packs" beer? Like a 6 pack or 12 pack tote for your smaller purchases and a 30 pack for those Sunday shopping sprees? That way even the most "dudeliest" of dudes out there can still look like a dude and get his shopping done in a eco-chic fashion. Heck, he might even make it up to metro-enviro yet!

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