April 22, 2008

Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day 2008 and I feel that more than ever this day is receiving a lot of attention of late. Why is this? Have, we the consumer, become more ecologically tuned to our 'surroundings?' Highly unlikely, as most people rarely notice the shifts in the seasons, can name a local plant species, or tell you the name of a bird singing. BUT they can tell you off hand about a 100 different corporate brands.

This is what I was thinking today when I got up knowing that today is Earth Day. Back a few years ago in a sustainability class in college, the professor, Dr. K., asked us to use a piece of clear overhead projector plastic and divide it into two columns. He then proceeded to ask us to draw the logo of any brand we could think of. I think we had something like 2-3 minutes or so. We then tallied how many different brands/logos we had compiled. A decent list to boot. Example: Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Taco Bell, McDonalds, Ford, Chevy, Dolche, Starbucks, etc etc etc.

He then asked us to draw on the other half, the name and shape of leaf of the local trees (southwest Ohio). I flubbed, which is hard to admit, as I knew roughly 4 times more brand names than tree species. Maybe a red oak? Possibly a sycamore? Oh yea, Honeysuckle...oh wait that is invasive...It really was a wake-up to show how 'out of touch' we are to our surroundings...I say try it, see if you can do better!

So why, Zachawii, this rant? I just ask that don't let yourself get caught up in the 'green' movement just because its there. There is a lot of marketing and corporate hoopla going into today that can detract from the real message: care and respect for Mother Nature. The corporate influence of today is starting to feel like Christmas, which has been so corporatized that many probably do not know the origins of the celebration.

One last sour grape; the ubiquitous phrase of 'Save the Planet?' Save the Planet from what? The world works on one very basic principal, establishing equilibrium. If something is out of equilibrium Mother Nature corrects it. Humanity is but a blink, and the Earth has function fined with out us. We (humanity) may throw the planet out of balance (global warming) but Mother Nature will reestablish equilibrium, whether we are around to see it or not is another question. Its not saving the planet, its more of preserving the planet so that it hospitable for the human race to continue to flourish, which I'm all for. I love living, I love the planet...and I love Earth Day for what it is...a celebration of nature in its glory...not about the promotion of Clorox Green Works! I promise my rant is over ;-)

1 comment:


Thank you thank you thank you for your last paragraph! Do human beings really think they can control the planet earth?!?! If we can't respect the planet we live on, we will get thrown off (eventually) - plain and simple.